Proven Enduring
The Basque Country can be divided into two great watersheds: the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. The mountain chains of the Pyrenees, Aralar, Aizkorri and Gorbeia form a dividing line between the two. The personality of the Basque Country today is fruit of its past history down the centuries.
The first known inhabitants of the Basque Country date from the Lower Palaeolithic, approximately 200,000 years ago. Basque (Euskara) is one of the oldest languages in Western Europe, preceding the Indo-European tongues. Various scholars claim that there exist nexus between Basque and Iberian, Berber or some of the languages found around the Caucasus, but the origins of Euskara remain a mystery.
What are the beliefs and practices of my people regarding how a human being is meant to exist in relationship with a living earth?
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Proven Resilient
One of the most characteristic expressions of Basque culture is undoubtedly the impromptu or improvised singing of verses - bertsularism…Following the Spanish Civil War and the victory of General Franco, improvisation, just like the rest of Basque culture, suffered one of the most terrible periods in all its history.
At the beginning, people no longer even dared to speak in Basque in public!
Improvisers were the first to fall victim to this horrific regime….Nevertheless, thanks to the understanding and/or authority of certain political figures competitions were held on a regular basis from 1942, although not without risk and difficulty for improvisers who were constantly under surveillance during their performances. Some were even sent to prison on a number on occasions for having said they felt "Basque" and that they loved their country.
What are the beliefs and practices required to survive and thrive in the contemporary world?
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Additional Resources
Download the entire Basque slide deck for educational purposes